Sunday, April 29, 2012

GM Diet/Detox Recap; On to Green Smoothies

My goal was to keep a journal detailing my 7 days on the GM diet, but life (mainly motherhood) doesn't always cooperate. Here is a recap of the rest of my week following this plan.

Day 2: All Veggie day
This day was the worst. My body craved for sugar, any kind of sugar! I kept wanting to sneak in my daughters room to steal some of her leftover Easter Candy. It took every last ounce of will power to stay away from the chocolate.

I don't tend to eat much a day, and normally don't get hungry until the afternoon. Around noon or one, I stared to feel the hunger set it and made a salad. I added tomatoes and an avocado to my greens and for dressing, I used this great stuff I found at Whole Foods called Vegi-Delite. I also made a batch of wonder soup and had a bowl. It was not very tasty, but I put in too much water for my liking, making it taste somewhat bland.

That night for dinner my daughter wanted Subway. Walking in to the shop, I smelled the fresh baked bread and it was pure torture. As I watched my daughter eat her veggie sub w/cheese on the Italian herb bread, I sadly ate my salad. This time I also added some green peppers and cucumbers to my tomato and avocado. For the dressing I had them drizzle a little bit of red wine vinegar.

Next to this Subway shop is a Tutti Fruitti and my daughter talked me into letting her get some desert. She sampled a new flavor that she thought I would like and tried to get me to sample it. Then proceeded to laugh at me after remembering my diet. I had a feeling them that it was going to be a hard week.

Day 3: Fruits & Veggies
I wasn't home much this day, and ended up drinking a lot of iced Black Tea. When I did get a chance to eat, I had a pear, some pineapple, a bowl of the soup and some cuties. I definitely felt better at the end of day 3.

Day 4:Banana and milk day
This was my favorite day. I lived on Banana smoothies all day. I used 2 bananas per smoothie and mixed it with my Light Vanilla Soy Milk and ice.

Day 5: Tomato and Beef day (or in my case, brown rice)
Another good day. The tomatoes were yummy and I had about 4 or 5 of them throughout the day. I also had a bowl of the soup and made some brown rice.

Day 6:Veggie & Beef day (or brown rice)
Today I had another one of my salads and some tomatoes.

Day 7: Fruits, veggies & juice day
I had a PTSA meeting at school that day, and afterwards a few of us went to The Soup Plantation. While it sounded like a good place to go when on a diet, it was extremely hard to stick to the diet. The smells of the soups, pastas and breads were killing me. But I stuck to it and had a big salad w/olive oil & vinegar drizzled on, a baked potato w/veggies as a topping and some fruit. I did cheat a little and had some of their lemon summer salad. The dressing was not GM diet approved, but it tasted awesome!!

At the end of the week, I ended up losing a total of 6 1/2 pounds. Not quite the results I was hoping for, but it's a start. On my two days off of dieting I tried to keep the healthy eating going, but was not all that successful. I had an egg & cheese croissant from Jack in The Box after going to the gym one day & a small Chipotle bean & cheese burrito from Del Taco that night for dinner. The next day I had a pear and some cuties for lunch and a childs size portion of spaghetti for dinner.

During these two days, I started thinking back to the banana and milk day, and how much I enjoyed it. I decided that I wanted to do a Green Smoothie Detox/diet next. My plan is to do 7 days of the GM, take 2 days off then do 7 days of Green Smoothies with 2 days off. Then start all over again.

There are many different variations of the Green Smoothie plan, but essentially you should drink at least one Green Smoothie a day and eat healthy the rest of the day. I have been making one to two big smoothies each day and nibbling on little items here and there.

If you google "Green Smoothie recipes", you will find all sorts of yummy concoctions. I have never been one to follow recipes or directions all that well, so I tend to just throw things in. Some of my experiments are made up of the following:

1)Bananas, vanilla soy milk, flax seed oil, spinach, dried seaweed, frozen berries & plenty of ice.
2)Bananas, kale, chia gel, cacao nubs, peanut butter, vanilla almond milk & plenty of ice.

A few minutes ago, my daughter was pestering me for a smoothie (a bonus to this plan is my daughter is drinking the smoothies with me, getting more veggies in her diet). I made this one with mango, strawberries, kale, cacao nubs, chia gel, gogi berries and plenty of ice. It doesn't look pretty, but tastes pretty good :)

I really enjoy the green smoothie plan, and was considering not even going back to the GM Diet, but I am not losing any weight. In fact I am up 2 pounds. I still have over 60 pounds to go, so I will stick to my plan of flip flopping them until I lose the weight.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

GM Detox/Diet; Day 1

Yesterday was the 1st day of my little experiment. The last few days have been busy, and I hadn't made it to the the grocery store to stock up on what I need. By the time I made it to Whole Foods it was the afternoon.

Day 1: Fruit day

I ate some pineapple and some Cuties, and that was it. I wasn't feeling hungry after the pineapple and had to force most of the cuties I ate. The main reason I just ate Cuties was because they are compact and easy to bring on the go.

I woke up this morning feeling fine and was down 1.5 pounds. So far, so good :)

The 7 day GM Detox/Diet

The other week while perusing Pinterest, I came across a pin for the "GM Diet". After doing some research, it seemed doable and I decided I would give it a go.

The Diet basically consists of the following:

  • Day 1. Only fruits except for bananas. All fruits can be consumed in generous quantities except for bananas, as they are high in carbohydrates and potassium.
  • Day 2. Only vegetables. A cup of baked potato would serve as the body’s main energy source for the day, and then it can be followed up with vegetable dishes during lunch and dinner. The "Wonder Soup"* is highly powerful during this day, as it provides all the energy the body would need.
  • Day 3. Fruit and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables may be served the whole day, from breakfast to dinner, including midday snacks. Though no bananas or potatoes are allowed.
  • Day 4. Bananas and milk. Banana and milk combos may be consumed all day, with servings of the "Wonder Soup" during lunch and dinner. Banana and milk may be taken in the form of shakes, during breakfast and midday snacks.
  • Day 5. Lean Beef and 6 tomatoes; feast day!! Since I am a Vegetarian, instead of beef, brown rice is substituted on One cup of rice is good to last for the day together with tomatoes in order to induce cleansing.
  • Day 6. Lean Beef and vegetables. Once again, I am altering it to fit my needs, so on this day mixed vegetables may be consumed all day, together with one cup of rice.
  • Day 7. Up to two cups of brown rice may be consumed, together with fruit and vegetable servings and fruit juices.

*Wonder Soup
The following soup is intended as a supplement to your diet. It can be eaten any time of the day and on any day of the diet.

The main ingredients of this wonder soup are :
Onions, Green Peppers, Tomatoes, Cabbage, Celery, water, flavorings, herbs.
You may substitute the above vegetables according to your taste. Asparagus, peas, corn, turnips, green beans, cauliflower, etc.

Avoid beans like lima, pinto, kidney, etc.
You can use 1 spoon of oil to sauté the vegetables and cook with water and herbs and flavorings of your taste.

I did many searched looking for a recipe I would like. I made my first batch today and it consisted of a head of Cabbage, a few tomatoes, water, celery, onions, carrots (Whole Foods had these three ingredients pre chopped up in a container together) and some spices. Every recipe I came across had a different amount of water, so I played with it. I feel I put too much in for my liking, and plan on making the next batch with less.

Do’s and Don’ts of the Diet:

  • Drink 10 glasses of water
  • Don’t repeat this diet with out an interval of few days.
  • No alcohol ( at least for the 1st 7 day interval, if you plan on repeating it)
  • Moderate Exercise
  • If you plan on repeating the program, take a three day break inbetween
Beverages you may consume while on the program :

1. Water (flavoured with lemon/lime if desired).
2. Club Soda is OK.
3. Black Coffee. No cream or cream substitute. No sugar or sweetness.
4. Black Tea = Herb or Leaf.
5. Absolutely nothing else except the fruit juices which are part of day seven. No fruit juices before day seven.

You may repeat this program as often as you like, however, it is suggested that you are allowed two glasses of white wine in addition to the instructions on the program. You may substitute champagne for white wine. Under no circumstances are you to drink any other alcoholic beverages with the exception of beer which is allowed. Any liquor (bourbon,vodka, rum) is forbidden. Cream drinks are especially forbidden. You may have an occasional cordial such as creme de menthe or schnapps, but you must always limit yourself to two drinks. If you wine, drink only wine that day. If you have beer, drink only beer that day, etc. Alcohol adds empty calories to your diet. However, after the first week it will help your digestion and settle your stomach.