Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Day in the Life

A fun thing that has been going around one of the forums I am on is to document your day in photos.

Here is my day this previous Tuesday:

Sorry no pics were taken when I first woke up. Hubby was still sleeping & the flash would have disturbed him

While I was in the shower, Keely got herself ready for school:

Now its time for breakfast (donut holes)

And getting Keely's snack ready for school:

Check my e-mails on my phone before we leave for school:

Running a little early, so while I dry my hair, Keely watches a little TV:

Off to school:

Sorry, no pictures were taken during this three hour block. I had a PTSA E-Board Meeting, then I was volunteering in Keelys class

Ok, 11:15 and finally done at Keely's school just in time to get caught in the rain:

And checking my e-mails again on my phone since I don't have time to go home before Keely gets out of school:

Quick stop @ Whole Foods to get cookie mix & some scones for Keely:

Back @ Keely's school in the pick up line:

A little early so I do some paper work for the PTSA while waiting:

Didn't have my camera when I went in Keely's school, but we bought some Valentine candy grams for her friends, then off we go

At MoviesByKids (a really cool place out here) to finalize the after school enrichment program they are doing for Keely's school:

Quick stop @ the Alta Dena drive through to buy a Mega Millions (can't win if you don't play)

Home finally & time for lunch (a huge muffin bought @ Sams):

And my first chance to get on-line & check, The Mommies Network & FaceBook:

Time to start making cookies for Keely's class Valentine party that was today (grandma is helping us get the area ready):

TADA!! Heart shaped cookies ready to go in the oven:

A little piano practice while they are baking:

The cookies are cooling while I clean the kitchen:

I am wiped out, time for a nap:

While Keely plays her new Barbie cut out thing:

Nap time is over, and time to check on-line again:

While I was on-line Keely grabbed a snack, and we had a mishap. Grandma chased after her & slipped on the kitchen floor & cracker her head open. So I am sure you all understand why I didn't take any pictures of me cleaning all the blood up

While grandpa takes grandma to the ER, we have dinner (Thank you Amy's for your great frozen foods):

Cleaning up:

Time to relax & watch TV (NCIS):

Then storytime, 1st Keely read to me & then I read to her, (at this point I was too exhausted to remember to take pictures) & off to bed.

Hope this post will inspire some of you to do the same. And if you do, please share :)


Linda G. Hatton said...

I had fun seeing your day!! I keep wondering though ... what happened to Grandma that she had to go to the ER????

Rhi said...

In teh paragraph before that, I mentioned she was chasing Keely & slipped on the floor & cracked her head open.

Lesson learned, don't chase hungry girls & try and take their food from them

Andrea said...

Fun day! LOVE NCIS!!!

Unknown said...

Yummy! I want a heart cookie! :)

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