Monday, September 06, 2010

Trying out Flowergirl Hairstyles

My sister-in-law is getting married next month and my daughter is going to be a flower girl in the wedding. Since it has been so long since I really did any fancy hairstyles & with the pain my hands are in, I thought it would be good to practice on her before the wedding.

We are not sure what her hair should look like, but this is the 1st try I did today.

I made some twists in the front & clipped them. Then I made two ponytails in the back. One on top & one underneath it so the top one would cover it.

I usedmy ceramic curling iron that has three barrel sizes. I made most of them using the biggest barrel. Then I seperated the curls & ratted up the top ponytail to give it more body. I then switched out the barrels, and put in the small one. I curled some fly-a-ways in her face & made a few small curls in back.

I took out the clips that were holding the twists & hair sprayed like crazy. I had these cute little hair spirals that have a "diamond" on top & put three of them in her hair for some sparkle.

The hardest part of this style is how long it takes to curl all her hair. I think if this one makes the cut, I might use the medium barrel for the majority of the curls. I will also invest in an actual ratting comb. I had to improvise with a brush.

After she sat through the torture of getting her hair done, she tried on her dress & shoes. I let her have a little fun in her outfit, before turning her loose :)

Her official get the picture taken already pose:

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Feeling craft today

My daughter has become a huge fan of head bands. And on mornings we are running late, I am all for them.

We have gotten to the point where our hair drawer is soo full of them, that it is hard to find anything else in there. The other week, I decided I had enough!

I started google'ing head band holders and ways to make them yourself. I took the info I saw & came up with this:

See all her headbands?

Here is what you will need if you would like to make this:
An empty oatmeal container (or the like)
your choice of fabric (or you can use paper)
Hot glue & glue gun
some Tacky glue (or elmers if you use paper)

I bought 18 inches from the bolt of fabric I picked out. I then measured the container (about 16 inches) and made a fold for half of that, inside out. Then my wonderful mother-in-law made a quick stitch for me on the sewing machine (I have yet to learn h0w to use it. After my sister-in-laws wedding, I was promised some lessons). After sliding it on to make sure it fit, I cut off the remaining material, turned it right side out & slid it on.

I hot glue gunned the fabric to the bottom. I then cut out a circle & tacky glued it in the bottom. Mainly because I didn't want anyone to look in & see brown. This step is up to you & your insanity level ;)

Then I glued the inside edges with the fabric left over the top of my cover. The fabric pretty much covers it all, top to bottom.

Then I cut out another circle & tacky glued it to the lid. Since I put on the purple trim, I didn't need to fold it over, & just covered the bottom. From there I hot glue gunned the purple trim around the bottom of the lid & hot glued the lid to the bottom of the container.

Let it dry & put your headbands on. You can even use the inside of the container for clips & what not. That was my idea, until I realized HOW MANY headbands she has.

And if you are not the craft sort, shoot me a message.I would be glad to make one for you.

Friday, September 03, 2010

No Poo and a new hair style

Wed morning I mentioned how greasy my hair got due to applying the vinegar rinse. When I got in the shower that morning I did the baking soda & water cleanse, then did the vinegar rinse (staying away from my scalp this time).

I also read how you shouldn't use hot water, so I cooled it down. Brr..., not fun. I need the heat to warm up my joints and ease some of my pain. But for the sake of having nice hair, I decided I would try & tough it out.

Here is how my hair was looking that evening:

Not to bad, just a little oily. I managed to go with out washing it yesterday & this moring when I woke up, it was needed to be washed, but it wasn't super icky, greasy.

Now for the wrench in my plans. I went to get my hair done today. Of course shampoo was used to wash out the chemicals of the color. Since it has red in it, I do want to go a few days with out "washing" it. So no more updates on this experiment until I let my hair sit a few days.

But, I must say, my hair looks awesome right now:

There is a story to go with my new hair....

Yesterday I was supposed to get it done. I had gone in a salon (J Ferrer in the Valencia Westfield Mall) on Sat afternoon to get a quote on how much it would cost for what I wanted.

I was very specific; lighten it up & get rid of the growth (roots), add some red chunks, trim the ends about an inch/inch & half and add some bangs.

The manager/owner (Jackie) had me talk to a stylist. We looked at color samples and picked what I liked, ect. She did kinda of scare me when she mentioned a weave. But almost all stylists end up trying to do that to me. But she was young & seemed to understand my vision. She then consulted with Jackie about what would be done & Jackie quoted me a price which included a discount special they were running. It was an awesome price & I said lets book it. Well the stylist I talked to couldn't do early hours, which I need. I was booked with some one else, but was told that they would relay our discussion with her.

I show up yesterday morning for my appt. The place is closed, but I understand not everyone is as concerned about being on time like I am. I wait about 10 min & somebody shows up; my stylist. She is clueless to what I wanted. So I had to go over the whole thing again. She starts to seem like she understands, but what she is saying seems to be differing from what I was originally told. Finally I think we are the same page & she goes to mix the color. Guess what, they don't even have the color on hand that was supposed to be used on me. She keeps trying to use some other color, that is no where close to what I want. Finally she calls someone & asks them to buy some & bring it in. So we get started on my weave. As she starts to foil me, I mentioned that I wanted to have some red in my bangs, so I am not sure how that will effect her coloring my hair. She is clueless that I was getting my hair trimmed as well. She then calls her boss to verify that the price they quoted me will cover it all. HELLO!!! I have the appt card w/the quote written on it by Jackie. I am not paying a cent more than I was quoted. And I have already wasted an hour of my time & only have two foils in my hair.

So she washes out the little she did & I was out of there, very upset & disappointed. I call hubby, who then calls the salon. The owner was called by the stylist for him, and all she could say is could she call him back later that day around 3? (It is 11am ish) We never did hear back from them.

I was driving around,feeling very sad & decided to drop by a salon I used to go to years ago, Mirage Hair & Nails . There happened to be a stylist (Nikki) at the front desk when I came in. I told her I was wanting to get a price quote for my hair. As we were talking, she really listened to me. No weave, just lighten my roots. She totally got how I don't like any growth showing. She brought out magazines and had me go through and look for colors I liked. Not only was she listening to me, but she voiced concerns because of the shape my hair was in,and things she could do to help. It cost more than the other salon quoted me, but would have cost me the same as what they tried to charge me with a discount! I booked it then & came in this morning.

Once again, we talked about my hair and its issues. As well as the the problems that could come up with this color. She made sure to use extra conditioner, rinsed the red hair out and did her best to keep it away from my blonde so it wouldn't bleed. She was awesome!!! And my hair turned out better than I have ever had it turn out before. No roots/growth showing. An extreme red. Just what I wanted!!


Wednesday, September 01, 2010

No "Poo" hair, morning 4

I woke up Monday morning and my hair was still looking relatively good. But the urge to clean it was more powerful than to let it be. After all, I have been washing my hair everyday (minus a few sick & lazy days here & there) for years. So I tried the baking soda & water scrub again w/the conditioner scrub.

Slight problem, I have acrylic nails & they are in desperate need of a fill & are starting to lift. As I was massaging my scalp, I didn't quite do as well a job as Sunday. There were some slight patches here & there that felt a little greasy as my hair dried. I also used a bit less water in my mixture & other areas felt a bit dry. Worry & unease started to set it.

Tuesday morning, when I woke up, I decided it was time to try the vinegar rinse & that was all. After all, my hair might be a bit greasy in spots, but it was still looking fairly good:

The vinegar rinse I used was based off a recipe I found here, One Green Generation.

Can I just say UGH!! My hair is super greasy now. Here are some pics from last night

& this morning

After doing some reading though, I found my mistake. I put the vinegar rinse on my scalp. The trick is to just put it on your hair.

One of my biggest concerns would be combing my hair with out using a conditioner. I have super fine, straight hair that tangles easily, as does my daughter. I was pleasantly surprised when I was able to comb my hair with ease yesterday morning. In fact it was just as easy, if not easier than if I had used one of my super expensive conditioner.

I might have had a little set back, but I am going to keep staying the course. Though the urge to go hop in the shower & and scrub my hair with shampoo is very strong this morning. But tomorrow I am getting my hair cut & colored, and I hope this new process will help keep the red in longer. As well as the hope that my hair will be much healthier so it will withstand all the other torture I do to it; the constant coloring & infrequent trims.